Sunday, November 16, 2008

Eragon sereis

The Eragon series of books is only three books but I think it's good anoph for an awther in there TEENS. But keep this in mind. THEY ARE THE BEST BOOKS EVER AND IF YOU DON'T GET IT I WILL BAN YOU FROM MY BLOG/WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!! Here are the names of the three books. Eragon, Eldest and Brisinger. Here is a picture of the book brisinger.


Rob said...

I think that Eragon was a really good book, but sadly the movie left out alot of cool parts.
Eldest was a pretting bory book even though i only got hafl way through it.

2nd/3rd grade students said...

Wow, I did not realize this book was written by a teenager. Did I read what you wrote correctly. Let me know because if that is true I will read the book based on that fact alone.

Will :D said...

that book is actually written by a teen

i finnished book 3 times 2 months